Sunday, March 21, 2010

Summary of Robert Wright's:Christian Soldiers

Wright's article explains about a religious tension between Christians and Muslims.The tension between the two has cause killings amongst each other in Nigeria. Whereas, in Malaysia, Muslims are trying to ban Christians from using the word "Allah" for God.Some Christian missionaries are using a technique called the CAMEL method (Chosen Angels Miracles Eternal Life) to bond with Muslims, and show them that Allah of the Koran and the God of the Bible is the same God.Wright points out that Christians are intentionally calling themselves "muslim" which is misleading.Why? Because, it is not true to the Koran believing Muslims. This play in words is misleading, and is causing great tension.Wright's go to consultant Ekiza Griswold, states and confirms that, assertive Christians increase tension in Nigeria by proselytizing.Wright uses Ergun Cane as an example, who is Christian and president of Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, who is in favor of assertive proselytizing, but is offended to hear that Muslims and Christians might worship the same God. Caner states in a recent podcast, "There's nothing that the two gods-the god of the Koran and the god of the scripture-have in common. Nothing." (pg 3. Para.3). Wright acknowledges both sides of the Muslim and Christian beliefs on God. Do you believe 'Allah' of the Koran and the God of the Bible are one in the same, different, or just a play on words?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Religion and someones beliefs will always be a sensitive topic to everyone. It did bring death and hatred for one another between the Christians and Muslims but for what? We all believe in something and our religion should never bring hatred into our lives. We all may go about our religions differently and do things differently and it's a shame what happened in this summary. Hopefully one day we can all agree to disagree and just be.

  3. I believe that there's is only one God. I don't think that it matters as to what religion, as long as it's for the better cause of mankind. When certain religious groups persecute another group, that's where the problem lies. I can agree with his argument that Christian Missionaries who tries to convert Muslims does increase tension. Still that tension shouldn't lead to murder. An example Wright referred to was the killings in Nigeria recently by Muslims that left hundreds of Christians dead, after the conversation he had with a Nigerian Minister Taxi driver. I don't believe God wants that for anybody vice versa, whether in the Bible or the Koran. One of Gods commandments is "thou shalt not kill". Wright also stated that "Muslims feel they are victims of cultural aggression"(pg.2). That doesn't give them the right to demand that only Muslims can use the word "Allah". All in all I liked how he juggled his argument in this reading. I especially loved his concession & rebuttal as he states "I'm not saying Christians are more to blame than Muslims for the world's diverse Christian-Muslim tension..."(pg.3)

  4. Sorry folks for deleting and reposting above response. Just had to make some minor adjustments. Thanks Everyone

  5. I agree with you guys. I believe its the same. You give life to the word God or Allah by having faith. Hoss, I like how you said .." I hope one day we can all agree to disagree and just be." I'm catholic and I don't feel the need to try and convert someone. I know what my faith is, and i am able to have a good conversation with someone who is of a totally different religion. I respect the fact that they believe in something, and in the same way I expect them to respect my beliefs. War among religious groups are an endangerment to the religion itself (Not to mention culture).

  6. I believe that people are able to do what they want because they are a free person and it they want to convert into a different religion then they should be able to. The person that is converting into a different religion may feel that they are more comfortable in the other religion then they should do what is best for them. Some people may agree and some may disagree with what they are doing but it should be what the person want.

  7. It looks more like one religious group of people, trying to bridge the gap between two religions. But christians calling themselves muslims is totally misleading. I think it has all the ingredients for a volatile situation. Followers of the Christian and Muslim faiths have been at odds for a long time. Violence can escalate easily between those two groups of people. Like the killings in Nigeria teach us. Its too bad the people in those parts of the world can't just find a common ground and get along.
    I feel people should be free to worship who and what they please. As long as they dont go to far, and pressure others to follow thier religion. Turning to violence and murder in the name of god, doesnt sound like anybodys path of enlightment I'de like to follow.
    By, Marshall

  8. To me I think that religion is the key to the foundation and purpose for living. Religions are out there for us to see, hear, and taste for ourselves. If people want to convert; then they will if not; then don't. We all can tolerate different religions right? Why do people have to try to convert others into their religion anyway? Faith is is the key to serenity and prayers are hope to pass another day of life living in daily stresses. God is God no matter what the labels have given to him. That is just my thought.
